Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why time begins at the end of your project

Satisfied with research results? Great. Have you thought of doing something with them that generates value beyond a publication? You work long and hard to secure a competitive grant. But you rarely stop and think of what is possible. Probably in part because it is beyond your experience, so it seems like a hugh mountain to climb.

But not any more. Sure, its still hard work, but you’ll have a partner. For us, research results are the beginning of the journey you thought was over.

We are good at putting results into motion through a variety of pathways to make a genuine difference.

Value creation is collaborative since few individuals possess the necessary range of skills to accomplish it on their own. You need deep thinkers who conceive the vision - you, plus those who can get the innovation really to work, and those who communicate the advantages of the innovation so it is used. We put this team together.

Some try do this on their own. Its possible, but mighty hard. Here on campus, the Boston Science Partnership is a great example. A little coaching from us can make what you are doing more competitive, more productive, and more impactful.

Why? We possess maniacal focus and drive and a willingness to take risk; move very quickly (after all, “better to fail quickly then to succeed too slowly”), and are motivated by limitless potential to make a difference. Its in our genes.

We call what we do innovation through collaboration. Why should you care? Because you want to see something come from all of your hard work and creativity. Its rewarding. How do we know? We've done it before, many times.