Saturday, October 25, 2008

Most of the time, faculty come to us with just a few days left before they publish their research results, wanting to talk about a patent, or with a year left of a five year project, looking for continued funding.

The time to talk to us is before you think you have to, meaning at the beginning of your project, when you are designing it.

When we engage then, we can talk about doing something with anticipated research results beyond a publication. Novel dissemination plans are key. Funders like them because it shows you have thought through your project.

There are lots of possibilities, such as a subscription newsletter or journal, webinar, videos, research, testing, or design operation, or even a product, many of which can become revenue generators.

Engaging us early means learning how to expand your concept of your project team. Success these days in every field requires a range of skills, including ours. We can save you lots of headaches and heartaches.